
Building a Business

Beachbody Coaching…Initial Thoughts

I am having SO much fun exploring the whole Beachbody coaching opportunity.  I will admit that I was very hesitant to move in that direction at first, but I kept feeling this nudge.  I prayed about it, thought about it, and prayed about it some...

Out of Reverence to God

The responses I have received since I have been sharing about my workouts and clean eating have definitely varied.  These include but are not limited to: "You are so skinny!  Why are you dieting?" "You don't need to lose anymore weight.  I'm worried about you!" "Are you becoming...

What Exactly IS Clean Eating???

Since I have been blogging and posting on Social Media about our clean eating choices, I have had numerous people ask me, "What exactly IS clean eating?"  I am going to attempt to answer that and give some guidelines here. There are probably lots of...