
The Proverbial Christian

The Proverbial Christian

A month or so ago, our Youth leader, Daniel, asked us to each lead a lesson based on the book of Proverbs.  To share our favorites and how they enhance our walk with God.

Image result for proverbs

When Daniel asked us this, I’ll admit…I was
slightly overwhelmed…
I mean, have you looked through that
book?!  Every other word is like the best
advice I’ve ever heard!!! Seriously..

But as I began to scan my Bible, I
clearly saw a pattern for me.  Let me
read a few verses that I have highlighted in the past few years:

“In his heart a man plans his
course, but the Lord determines his steps.” 
Proverbs 16:9 

 “Commit to the Lord whatever you
do and your plans will succeed.”
Proverbs 16:3

 “Many are the plans in a man’s
heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
Proverbs 19:21

 “A man’s steps are directed by the
Proverbs 20:24

  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths
Proverbs 3: 5-6
They all seem to point me toward
following His plans instead of my own; toward allowing God to lead me. 

And it made me wonder.  With all of that good advice, why was I so
focused on God’s plan and guidance? 

And when I asked myself the question
this way, it hit me!!!!….It’s because I was lost for so long!

Over 2/3 of my life to be exact.  I did the math…

I did not come to Christ at a young age. I grew up in church.  My whole life in fact, but I had big issues
grasping just how MUCH God loved me. 

My parents married – had 4 kids –
fought a lot, and finally divorced when I was 12.  My dad, even when he was home, was never a
very affectionate dad. 

I believe he loved us in his way, but
being a dad was not something he aspired to.
And when the marriage was over, he
wasn’t around a whole lot. I still only see him once or twice a year.  

I grew up in church, but there was
not a stable father figure in my life who modeled the love of God for me.  
So, I sought it elsewhere.  I went to church, but outside
the church, and even inside, I was seeking acceptance.  In friends, social activities, in academics,
in boys.  All through high school, I
considered myself as “good”, because I went to church, and I didn’t do the
“really bad” stuff that the other kids were doing.

I went on to college still seeking
something.  I didn’t really commit myself
to anything.  I did well in school.  I dated. 
I even 
 the world a lot during college, but never felt
God was looking out for me when I
married Matt. I didn’t deserve him and still don’t but we married while I was
in graduate school.  Like everything
else, I expected Matt to “fill what was missing”. 
Our first year of marriage was
rough.  I expected a LOT from Matt.  I expected him to say certain things and
treat me a certain way.  I thought I had
finally found THAT love.  And looking
back now, he couldn’t have treated me any better.   

It was ME.  I was looking for God’s love in all the wrong
It wasn’t until I was 24, sitting in
a pew downstairs listening to Bro. Gregg Thomas preach, that I got it.  And when I got it, I couldn’t move under the weight of it.  Songs speak to me a lot, and Chris Tomlin’s Jesus Loves Me  is one that gets me every time:
“I couldn’t run, couldn’t run from His presence
I couldn’t run from His arms.”

Bro. Gregg was preaching on
Repentance.  Our need for it, and that so
many people miss it.  In order to Repent,
we must first acknowledge our Sin and our NEED for a Savior. 

Image result for luke 5:32
I had relied on others and myself for
so long that I was missing my need for the One and Only person who could make
me whole. 

And it was my Sin that was keeping me from Him.  I repented and gave my life to Christ right
then and there in that pew.  Even before
the end of the sermon.
I would love to say that I
immediately began understanding God’s love for me and the plans He had for me,
but I didn’t.  I still had that earthly
sin nature that fought to continue how I had been living.

Image result for as far as the east is from the westBut slowly, God began to reveal
himself to me.  Through His word and the
Holy Spirit, but also through my relationships. 
Matt Mitchell is such a huge part of my story.  He has modeled God’s love for me better than anyone on this
earth.  I am so thankful for that man.  He took me just as I was when he married
me.  He didn’t judge or hold anything I
had done in my past against me.  Isn’t
that what God does? He casts our sin as far as the East is to the West! 

I believe God has used Matt in a huge
way to open my eyes to HIS love for me.  In Proverbs, God outlines a very
clear plan for how I should live and serve him as a wife and mother.

 “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered
Proverbs 21:19

Proverbs 31 is all about living and serving with Strength, Dignity and Love.

If you know very much about me or
follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you also know that I love fitness. Of course I
enjoy feeling confident in how I look – don’t we all girls?

But it is so much more than that for
me.  I learn best through illustrations,
and my health and how I take care of my body has really opened my eyes to
strengthening my relationship with Christ. 
Discipline, self-control and
endurance are all things that relate to both my physical and my spiritual

If I put good stuff into my body and
avoid the things I know are not good for it, it grows strong and hopefully
remains that way, right?

In the same way, when I am walking
with Christ, reading His word, putting the good stuff in and taking measures to
keep the bad things out, my faith grows. 
 What does this look like:

Reading God’s word.  Putting the good stuff in
Spending time talking to God. It’s
easy to get side tracked and skip this part guys!
Avoiding things that bring bad things
into my thoughts and heart
Movies with bad language or
promiscuous relationships
Friends who love to whisper behind
other peoples’ backs
Scrolling through Facebook instead of
spending time in prayer
Surfing the internet for good sales
when I don’t need a thing and know that I don’t need to spend money
In my SS class and Wednesday night small group, I am constantly encouraging my girls to get in God’s word

That is because this is where it’s at.  I still have so much to learn, but
I am so thankful that God promises to guide me and reveal HIS plan for my life to
me.  And to forgive and correct me when I fail. 

Because I’ve tried it on my
own.  It doesn’t work.  It’s dark; it’s lonely and it’s hopeless. 

On our trip to D.C. a couple of weeks
ago, Dr. Millard said something that I have not been able to forget.  I scribbled it down as quickly as I could and
I just keep looking at it, because it captures my life as well,

“I came out of such darkness into the light.  I was deceived by false doctrine for so
long.  My audience was only people.
Now my only audience is God, and I seek only to Please HIM,
not people.”
If I can live that out, I will be doing great!
I would like to challenge you all. Here it is:
Every day for one month, read a different proverbs. Just try it. It won’t take
long, and you’ll find it an easy way to either begin a daily reading schedule
or supplement what you already do.

Put the Good Stuff IN!

Also, I challenge you to evaluate your life.  Are there things you need to remove that are
not good for you?  If you aren’t sure or
don’t know where to start, turn to Proverbs. 

day, before and after you read, pray for wisdom. Pray for a life that obeys
God’s commandments. Remember, the
beginning of wisdom is WHAT????

Fear of
the Lord.

If we want to be wise, we have to align ourselves
with God and live in a way that pleases Him.

I’ll do it with you.  Let’s start our
challenge by praying together for wisdom, and for humility as we pursue it.

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