
How to Set Goals This Week For YOUR Health

How to Set Goals This Week For YOUR Health


GOALS….that dreaded word for so many of us have or had a bad habit of setting them and never getting past that first crucial step.


We are almost into month SEVEN of 2017.  Did you set some big goals for this year? Did you set them and then set the list aside and never take action? Or maybe, you hit the gym or pushed play for a month or two, and then Spring Break came and then the end of the school year, and that list of goals and your determination got buried beneath the pile of school work and ballgames and bills…. Sound familiar?

This used to be the crazy cycle I was on when it came to my health a few years ago.  Starting…Stopping…Recommitting and then the same…again and again. It was exhausting and honestly it was horrible for my mental health just as much as m physical.

Then things got SERIOUS!

1. I was done having babies, and suddenly the scale was my worst enemy!  I started gaining, and despite my best efforts, I was NOT able to lose like I was in my 20s.
2. My cholesterol was dangerously high, and I did NOT want to take statins to control it.
3. My energy level was ZERO, and summer was HERE, and I had nothing left for my kiddos.
4. My marriage was suffering because I was SO self conscious with my husband, and I HATED my body.

So, yeah, I knew something HAD to change.

What was missing from that crazy diet cycle I was on???? Well, LOTS actually, but today I want to share about the fact that I was NOT setting goals for myself in an effective manner.

What should that looks like? Glad you asked!

How To Set Healthy Goals

Have you ever heard of SMART goals?

1. Specific. This is where YOUR goals should look different from anyone else’s. With social media, magazines, the internet, as women we fall into this trap of believing that we need to live like everyone else. Look like everyone else. Eat like everyone else. I’m ALL for creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but your goals will never look like mine, because we are UNIQUE. What do YOU want to accomplish? “Lose weight” as a goal is too vague. What exactly did you wanted to achieve and how? Why do you want to do it? Get specific. Is it to lose 3 lbs this week? Stop drinking cokes everyday. To get up and move 15, 20 or 30 minutes a day? Maybe it’s just to wake 15 minutes earlier so you can pray and invite God into your day. Whatever it is, get SPECIFIC about it.


2. Measurable. If you don’t make your goals measurable, you won’t know if you’ve reached them. DO you want to lose 10 lbs in the next month? That’s 2.5 lbs a week.  Write it down. Start measuring it.  Do you want to drnink a gallon of water a day? Start writing down how much you’re drinking in and how much you should get in every hour.  Sound tedious? It will be for a while.  Then you’ll realize you’ve dropped the Coke habit and are feeling better than ever!

3. Find Accountability.
This part CHANGED my life!  When I found my coach, I really was SO desperate for some help. I had tried what I imagined every way possible to get healthy and drop the extra weight. But I was I hadn’t tried, and if I”m being truthful, what I had avoided was some accountability. Someone to ask how my day went. Somewhere to go to be truthful about my struggles without the judgement. Someone to push me when all I wanted to do was make excuses and give up! I found that in my online health and fitness challenge groups. If that’s not for you, find a friend you KNOW will be honest with you.  If you can’t find that, get a group of women together at work who will encourage you. Just DON’T go it alone!
4. Be Realistic. Setting realistic goals is important for your mindset.  Do you need to lose 100 lbs.? That’ won’t happen in a month. Or even in a few months. That is a very long term oriented goal. So break it down into smaller more realistic goals.  Aim for walking 5 miles this week.  Aim to push play on your home workouts 3x this week. Aim to cut out your morning biscuit stop for breakfast this week and replacing it with a healthy and fast breakfast.  Then add to it next week.  


I see lots of women commit to a teetotal commitment to clean eating when they’ve been eating fast food and sugar non stop.  That’s not very realistic. Your body will revolt and at the first sign of donuts, you’ll be binge eating and give up all together! 
MY goals for the week!


5. Give Yourself Time. But SET a Timeframe. When setting goals, it’s important to give yourself a certain period of time to hitting them. For example, give yourself 3 months to hit your first goal. Then set another for 3 months later.  If you leave an open ended “I’m going to lose the weight” without an evaluation checkpoint, you’ll continue old habits and keep saying “later”. 
So!  What are YOUR goals for the week ahead?



If you need help starting, I would love to help!  Send me an email or drop your info below, and I will reach out to you tomorrow. Don’t keep putting it off.  Make TODAY the day you decide to take action and change your health forever!



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