
Crafting My Mission Statement

Crafting My Mission Statement

I am currently reading Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership.   This is an incredible book for any of you leaders or future leaders.  The purpose of this book is to tell what he has learned from his years in business and from leading others.  He basically is sharing his most trusted practices and concepts he uses daily!  Dave is pretty successful and loves Jesus, so it can’t hurt to read it right??!!!

One of the first things he talks about in the book is creating a Mission Statement.  He says,

“this is further clarification and definition for your dreams and vision and assures that your goals are aimed at the right target.”  pg. 27

I can work all day long trying to help and inspire others, but if I am not operating with a very specific purpose and central mission, then I am really just spinning my wheels!

I have discovered through coaching that I want to be very intentional in all that I do.  Not just with my challengers and other coaches, but in my life in general.  In marriage, motherhood, service, my job, etc.  I want it all to be centralized around a set of core values.  For when that is true, I know my actions are not meaningless.  They will most definitely accomplish something!

I began with some worksheets Dave provides on his website.  You can find those HERE.  First I focused on my skills and abilities, then my personality traits.  Next I thought about 4-5 people I really admired and wrote down their personality traits!  This was all very thought-provoking, and I began to write…pages of my thoughts. This is what I came up with!

my thoughts on paper

Health and fitness have always interested me.  I ran in high school and college, even though I didn’t eat very clean.  God really got my attention in regards to my health before I had children with my high cholesterol and my PMDD.  I was a runner and ate healthy most of the time, but by the time I was 25, my cholesterol was through the roof!!! This is a hereditary condition for me, and I knew that I did not want to spend my life on Zocor, so things had to change.  Of course, while I was pregnant and nursing, I kind of put it at the back of my mind.  But after I was finished having children, and my cholesterol was in the 200s, I knew something had to change!  Health and fitness definitely needed to be part of my mission statement.

Then I began to think about my character traits and those I wanted to improve.  I have never really felt like I was using all of the gifts God has given me – Encouragement has always been a prominent one for me.  By coupling this with health, my eyes were opened to what being a Beachbody coach has done for me!  God has opened a door for me to put my passions and gifts to use. I have uncovered so much hidden potential within myself that my negative thoughts and insecurities had hidden for 30+ years!  It is exciting to realize that I am capable of so much more than I ever gave myself credit for:

  • self-control
  • setting and reaching goals
  • getting back up and dusting myself off when I fall short of those goals
  • helping others
  • leading by example

I know that many people discover these things about themselves in various ways.  However, I truly believe that God placed Beachbody, challenge groups and the coaching opportunity in my life to move me to these realizations!

I know, without a doubt, that without HIM, I am nothing.  So this has first and foremost increased my reliance on God.  As I said in my 2015 Goals post, I want to be found smack dab in the center of His will for me.  And right now, I know this is it.  I am helping, inspiring and leading others to do 
the same.

My Mission Statement:

My Mission is to use the passions and natural gifts God has given me to help others reach their health and fitness goals through consistency and hard work.  Providing 1:1 support through encouragement, prayer, and leadership, I want others to realize their God given potential and to love themselves as the Creator loves them.  I want to build a team of leaders who are committed to improving their lives and the lives of others.  I want all of my work to be a product of God’s inspiration and a blessing to the world!!!

If you would like to join me on this mission, this month I am looking for 3-5 people to add to my team! If you want to:
  • Focus on improving your own health
  • Help others do the same
  • Receive 1:1 training and support from me
  • Share your story
  • Make fitness your business
  • Build a steady income
I would love to help you!  We have such a good time coaching, and I enjoy helping others discover their hidden potential as well!  Not to mention that there are incredible financial rewards available.

If you are interested in learning more, just fill out the application below and I would love to chat with you. 

I am praying for God to send me the people that HE chooses.  Without Him leading, I am incapable of achieving anything!

Fill out my online form.

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